Effective Communication
Writing does not have to involve the use of complex grammar and vocabulary that cannot be understood by the average reader, clarity, and understanding are essential for effective communication, which is the end goal of your write-up. Communication is a two-way process involving the sender who in this case is the writer and the receiver, which is the reader of the blog, article, or post. A beautiful article is not about how many complex words you can fit in, but the ability to pass information and communicate effectively.
How can we ensure we are communicating effectively?
- A clear outline or concept for your article: Every article should have a topic or a theme with the message or information you want to pass across to the reader. It should flow easily from the introduction to the body, and the end of the article, each part connecting to produce a great piece of work. Without a clear outline, you will find yourself repetitive, going round in circles to increase word length and monotonous. Ensure you have a clear theme with relevant information, consistent with the theme of your work.
- Know your target audience: You certainly have no plan to keep your writing in the drafts forever, you want it read by human beings like you, put yourself in their shoes, and determine their needs. What will fascinate children will not appeal to adults, what might attract professionals in a formal setting, will not hold water in a more relaxed informal setting. Your target audience will enable you to choose the right medium which is important in communication. Is the information better passed through social media? Is Twitter or LinkedIn preferable? What medium do I use to reach my target population? These are the questions you should ask.
- Make it Engaging; Most people do not want to read a boring write-up or article, spice it up, you can make use of audiovisuals which can lure people of all ages. Various studies have been carried out to ascertain the effect of audiovisuals in learning and they all prove the same, the use of audiovisuals as a teaching aid improves learning outcomes irrespective of age or class. Your template is also important, neatly arranged and organized works tend to attract more readers. I find myself easily reading articles with words that are not choked up with clear paragraphs and sections.
We are all striving towards perfection, keep reading, practicing, improving yourself and your writing skills. That way you will step up and become a great writer and communicator in no time.