Heavenly Father
Being a Father isn’t easy. Heck being a man in today’s society isn’t easy either. It’s hard enough looking out for yourself, now you have to look out for others, pay bills, pay school fees, it’s a difficult job.
Everyone expects fathers to show up, be there, be superhuman, pay the bills, even when is no income. Underneath that façade of perfection, is a man who is worried, anxious and wondering if he is doing enough. So out of 365 days, we have created one day to celebrate you for all that you do. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY DADS.
To celebrate, some of you might have called your dad, sent them cute messages or posts on social media or prepared gifts for them. Some people might not do anything because of the strained relationship you have with your dad. Others might have lost their dad’s . HAPPY POSTHUMOUS FATHER’S DAY to them. We all have different situations. However, the good news is that we all have a Heavenly Father.
While celebrating our earthly father’s for their sacrifices, we remember today especially on Sunday our heavenly father.
I wrote a very long note to my dad today, thanking him and wishing him Happy Father’s Day and I realized I have my heavenly father to thank also. I came across this bible verse yesterday.
While your earthly father is far from a super hero and the perfect man you might want him to be, you have a heavenly father that has all power in heaven and on earth. As you appreciate you dad, appreciate your heavenly father too. Thank him for your little wins and big wins. My dad used to give me this solid advice, write your past testimonies in a book, count your blessings , name then one by one.
If you have something like that pick it up and remember all he has done. What day is better than today to ask the owner of the heaven and earth, the Father of all fathers your heart desires, pour out your heart to him, hold him by his word, he will come through for you.