International Day of the Girl Child
It’s October 11th, and today we celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child. I can’t think of any other day better than this to inform you about these three critical statements you should have etched in your mind as a parent, future parent or member of society.
1) The sex of the Child is not determined by the mother
If you know a bit about the biological sciences, you might have come across the sex chromosomes. Women have two X sex chromosomes while men have one X and one Y. To have a male child, the Y chromosome must be present, and this Y chromosome can only be produced from the father. Therefore the sex of the child is very much dependent on the father. It is shameful and tragic to see women treated with disdain by their spouses due to their inability to bear male children, which is out of their control. All children are gifts and equally important.
2) Girls should be encouraged to pursue any Vocational/ recreational activity of their choice
This goes for both genders; Children should be encouraged to pursue any career or activity of their choice. "Hairdressing is for girls; gaming is for boys, statements like these should be discarded" This is why there is a considerable gender gap in many sectors today. If a girl like sports, encourage her. If a boy likes to cook, encourage him. Don't condition children to prefer an activity because of their gender or society's thoughts on what they should be. Girls should be allowed to choose any career of their choice without prejudice.
3) Discuss Sex education with Girl Children
Sex education ranges from Puberty, menstrual hygiene to more complex conversations about Sex. Educate your kids; it's normal for sex to pique their curiosity. They are human, but if you don't correctly inform them, they can get their information from sources that can harm them. They can stand the risk of being exploited or becoming victims of statutory rape. It might be uncomfortable and unpleasant for you as a parent/ adult, but it is imperative to do so. Your Girl child should see you as a friend and close confidant. If she tells you about an uncle or aunt she doesn't feel comfortable around, take it seriously. Your vigilance as a parent or guardian is necessary for the safety of your child.
Let's build the next generation of courageous, empowered and Independent women together.