We are living on borrowed time

Mojolaoluwa Akintoye
3 min readJul 11, 2021


Do you ever wonder how you will die? Does it cross your mind once in a while? Do you brush those thoughts aside or dwell on them? Death tastes bitter. It’s a topic we approach cautiously, an inevitable end that we refuse to think about; it’s the circle of life and the law of nature that living things must die. We are well aware of our mortality and weakness, but sometimes we find it hard to accept the inevitable.

About a week ago, I experienced what the loss of life of a friend might feel like, in that short moment before she was resuscitated, I experienced bone-chilling fear, multiple thoughts crossed my mind as it dawned on me that this might be the end in those few minutes that felt like hours, death felt very real. Death wasn’t a strange concept to me but to see someone I spoke to in less than five minutes be in such a situation; I realised how short life is.

Life is so fleeting and transient, the death of a friend, relative, or stranger would trigger grief and sober reflection; it will make you wonder if the race for wealth and success is worth it; it might even make you think about eternity and the afterlife. This sober- reflection will occur for a short while; the length of time is dependent on the closeness of our relationship with the deceased and their impact on our lives, then we learn to manage our grief or completely move on.

It is mind-blowing that each day you wake up might be the day you die, A day that started as an ordinary or uneventful day, might not end that way, one decision might be the one to save you from a different reality. When I hear cases of accidents or stray bullets that lead to death, I wonder what if?

What if they had made a different decision? How different would their reality have been? What if they didn’t use that vehicle or take that road? What if they were not in that precise location when such an unfortunate situation happened.

We are indeed living on borrowed time, and no day is guaranteed in this race call life. Life is a gift from the giver of life that can be taken at any time. Each day we are alive, we are thankful for the gift we have been given.

Don’t spend your life worrying about what you have and not achieved at your age or the plan you have created for yourself that has not worked out, appreciate your time on earth, make beautiful experiences and memories, touch the lives of others and make your impact in this world

Keep it at the back of your mind that death is inevitable and you will die one day, let that guide you in every decision you make.

So teach us to number our days, That we may get us a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90: 12



Mojolaoluwa Akintoye
Mojolaoluwa Akintoye

Written by Mojolaoluwa Akintoye

Health Educator, Christian, passionate about politics, books, health and technology.

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